As our Iranian SES you will be our point of contact for search engine feedback for Iran while based in Saudi Arabia and will actively discover, collect and report search engines issues. This role requires the tracking of other competitive products, local news, trends and the provision of feedback on feature/product suggestions ensuring to keep the search engine superior in the local market. Finally, the role requires that feedback be provided on methods of suggesting and prioritizing features together with tracking launches and product feedback that affect Iran.
Job specification:
•Generate search experience reports with details on search quality, features, user interface and competitive landscape (Average frequency- 1 per month)
•Complete weekly tasks: -
1.Perform lightweight analysis on results
2.Produce feedback on these tasks.
•Keep inventory of competitors and assist in identifying future trends
•Continuously provide feedback on issues, bugs, etc. via sparrow, buganizer, and other means into search engine teams. (Average file count -3/4 per week)
•Conduct lightweight user research (usability, focus groups, field studies, etc).
•Complete adhoc tasks at the request of international quality PM/eng/marketing teams
Qualifications required:
•Reside in Saudi Arabia
•Fluent in Farsi and English
•College degree or equivalent
•Strong written communication skills
•Very enthusiastic about improving technology and search engine options. Applicants do not need to be from an Engineering background but technical knowledge is an advantage.
•Knowledgeable about Iran’s online (web based) market, business dynamics, and can analyze competitive search results
•Marketing or business experience is an advantage.
To apply:
Please send a copy of your CV in ENGLISH to specialist.bal @