الوصف الوظيفي Co-ordinates appointments for diagnostic tests inaway that waiting times are kept as short as possible. Pro’vicle! proper instructions to the patient about the &sure;all patientsare dealt with courteously and p.1omptly, whilst maintaining their privacy, dignity and comfurt as much as possible. Preparing the patients by phtcing electrodes and pafoxms complete echocardiographic t•nm jnation of both adult and paocfiatric Knowledge of taking measurements fox the 2-D,3-0,M-Mocle, Colox flow and Doppl« Recognizing 2-D, 3•D,M-Mocle, Colox flow, Doppl« echocardiographic abnonnalities (e.g. wall motion abnonnalities, valve mmphology and dylifunction, intracardiac masses and other ecbocardiographic findings). Assist the Cardiologistduring the TEE procedure. Perfurmthe technicalrole in the TEE procedure the COll8Ultant cardiologist by aisting in the ofimars, control ofcc:ho mar.hj!M! to Cll8UR 781ionof the u1truound images of cardiac anatomy using Doppler imagingme81W§J!Oft, Perfimns Doln“•nDieStm!e-P.dio, Myocardial Contrast, Stress Echocardiography in the p:es1111COof the Cardiologist. Recorcla and save the jmagea during the procedure in the video tape machine. Study IUtomatically sent inthe system fJVecy afte£ eadl patimt e anhythmias ocx:unhqJ during the procedure midinform the Cardiologist. 3.10 Tnfunn the non-invasive Cardiologist lbout tbe unnsnal alJnomuj! finctinp. . 3.11 To mue safety of the procedure, a basic undentanding of the equipment used is ess=tial This is to nurintain a profeasional n:lationship with the Biomedical(BME). Pmwlive maiJJtcn1111oe of essmtitl equipment should be IUl’llllpd. Equipment should be tested, eahbrated if nece ery, and cleaned 3.12 · To easme aceurate and atic rec:udiug of Cardiac data, confunn the lll!Jlllala of the equipmClrt and to infurm the Supcrvi8or in cue any problem with registration 3.·13 Appropriate filing of data gained fi:om tests. Ensure the return of the m•diinesand its probe to the entfullowing procedure done oulBide the depatbnart. Attmd all mmdatmy wwaes to include BCLS. Supervisionand tniining of Junior staff Advanced knowledge ofbaemodynamies and cardiac Maintain proper appearance of the work Performs other applicable duties that may be assigned within the realm of his/hr knowledge, skiJla and abilities. - Responsiblefor the safe use of equipment used within the departmart. - Occasionally partic:ipete in any research study being Ulldertaken by the department BS 11« ry. . 3.20 Protec:ts and upholdsthe rights of the patients and their families. Participates inquality improvement and patient safety activities and attends quality المهارات Ability to deal calmly. withteat and diplomacy to patient and staff Ability to workeffectively in a multi-cultural Education تصوير اشعة قلب تفاصيل الوظيفة https://www.bayt.com/ar/saudi-arabia/jobs/أخصائÙ-اشعة-صÙتÙØ©-ÙÙÙÙب-echo-4310587/ |