Min 10 yrs exp in Oil and Gas, Infrastructure project
Executed Petrol Station projects
Degree in Engineering / Technology in Civil or Structural
Responsible for all construction projects and for making sure those projects are completed correctly. This requires civil site engineers to hire and supervise construction crews and visit construction sites often to make sure plans are proceeding on time and on budget.
Assist the Sr. Civil Engineer
Responsible for all civil and structural construction projects and for making sure those projects are completed correctly
Review extensive blueprints and plans of construction projects
Manages sub-contractors by locating, evaluating, and selecting sub-contractors; monitoring and controlling performance
Meets operational standards by contributing construction information to strategic plans and reviews; implementing production, productivity, quality, and customer-service standards; resolving problems; identifying construction management system improvements.
Accomplishes construction project results by defining project purpose and scope; calculating resources required; establishing standards and protocols; allocating resources; scheduling and coordinating staff and sub-contractors; evaluating milestone assumptions and conclusions; resolving design problems; evaluating and implementing change orders.