Job Description and Requirements Endocrinologists seek to ensure that glands, which are organs of the body, produce the proper amount of hormones. An imbalance can cause infertility, excess blood sugar, osteoporosis, rickets, precocious puberty, lack of growth, cancers and other diseases, high blood pressure, and unhealthy cholesterol levels. Specialists in this field consult with patients and conduct medical tests, then diagnose diseases and disorders of the endocrine system. Treatments range from conducting surgical procedures to prescribing insulin. Multidisciplinary endocrinologists treat growth disorders, help patients with infertility and conditions related to reproduction, perform operations, and work with oncologists on cases involving cancerous tumors. Diabetes specialists are concerned with diseases of the eyes, blood vessels, and kidneys that are caused by the disease. These doctors focus on foot care, the prevention of gangrene, and the amputation of limbs. They are trained to work with children, pregnant women, and other patients with special needs. Diabetes endocrinologists provide education, as well as advice regarding diet and exercise, to people suffering from the disease. They treat obesity, anorexia nervosa, lipid disorders, metabolic bone disease, calcium imbalances, and electrolyte disorders. Qualification: Qualified as per the PQR issued by Licensing Authority (Ministry of Health). Experience working in JCI Accredited Hospital. |