1. Establish and promote high standards and expectations for all students and staff for academic performance and responsibility for behavior.
2. Manage, evaluate and supervise effective and clear procedures for the operation and functioning of the school consistent with the philosophy, mission, values and goals of the school including instructional programs, extracurricular activities, discipline systems to ensure a safe and orderly climate, building maintenance, program evaluation, personnel management, office operations, and emergency procedures.
Ensure compliance with all laws, board policies and civil regulations.
3. Establish the annual master schedule for instructional programs, ensuring sequential learning experiences for students consistent with the school’s philosophy, mission statement and instructional goals.
4. Supervise the instructional programs of the school, evaluating lesson plans and observing classes (teaching, as duties allow) on a regular basis to encourage the use of a variety of instructional strategies and materials consistent with research on learning and child growth and development.
5. Establish procedures for evaluation and selection of instructional materials and equipment, approving all recommendations.
and other related Academics work.
سجل سيرتك الذاتية الآن مجانا لتتقدم لآلاف الوظائف، وتتواصل مع الآف الشركات (+40 ألف شركة)، فقط أكمل نموذج التسجيل
عفوا، تم إخفاء عرض الايميل لهذه الوظيفة حيث أنه قد مر أكثر من 30 يوما منذ نشر هذا الاعلان وقد تم ارشفته، يمكنك العودة الى الصفحة الرئيسية بالضغط على الرابط بالاعلى لمشاهدة احدث الوظائف المنشورة يوميا.