attend press launches, courts, council meetings and other events
interview people by phone or in person
respond to tip-offs, calls and news releases
record notes in shorthand or on tape and write stories up on computer.
interviewing people in a wide range of circumstances
writing copy for publication on a tight deadline
building contacts and sources for use in future stories
fact-checking the information given to you by a source
creating blog publications
Besides the pressures of working to deadline and getting stories out ahead of the competition, journalists must keep their stories balanced, fair and lawful.
Requirements : journalist needs to be:
excellent writers
good at relating to all kinds of people
cool under pressure
good at absorbing information quickly
interested in current affairs.
Be able to develop sources
Pitch story ideas to editors and producers
Education :
BA degree, degree may not need to be in journalism, although many universities offer courses in media studies or similar subjects.
Preferable skills :
General understanding of current events
Good communication skills, both written and oral
Strong editing and proofreading skills
Eye for detail
Excellent written English skills
Must be able to work well alone or in a team
Ability to multitask
Strong familiarity with photography, video and audio content gathering and editing skills
سجل سيرتك الذاتية الآن مجانا لتتقدم لآلاف الوظائف، وتتواصل مع الآف الشركات (+40 ألف شركة)، فقط أكمل نموذج التسجيل
عفوا، تم إخفاء عرض الايميل لهذه الوظيفة حيث أنه قد مر أكثر من 30 يوما منذ نشر هذا الاعلان وقد تم ارشفته، يمكنك العودة الى الصفحة الرئيسية بالضغط على الرابط بالاعلى لمشاهدة احدث الوظائف المنشورة يوميا.