I am looking for a fulltime PHP developer. It is 30-40hrs/week on monthly basis. Besides skills, person should be able to come to me with creative ideas, should know what is going on with latest technology and how this can be implemented. So ‘open thinking’ is needed, I do not need a person who just does what he/she is told to do. This is not a designer job, this is a developer job. Of course the developer need to have some esthetic sense. I am a developer myself so will be very critical in selecting the right candidate.
Candidate will be required to work GMT hours, and be available on Windows IM during the times they are ‘on the clock’
Please send me the samples/links/codes of your work, that shows your skills.
One of my biggest Sites I have is A MLM PHP SCRIPT ( Working & Complete ).the main job for the developer in this site is :
1- Making sure that all funcitions of the script is working as wanted.
2- Securing the script with any nessecary changes.
3- Fixing some functions of the script.
4- changing some functions of the script.
5- adding some functions to the script.
And of course these will be the main job for her/him in all other sites
beside developing sites from zero
That’s all
سجل سيرتك الذاتية الآن مجانا لتتقدم لآلاف الوظائف، وتتواصل مع الآف الشركات (+40 ألف شركة)، فقط أكمل نموذج التسجيل
عفوا، تم إخفاء عرض الايميل لهذه الوظيفة حيث أنه قد مر أكثر من 30 يوما منذ نشر هذا الاعلان وقد تم ارشفته، يمكنك العودة الى الصفحة الرئيسية بالضغط على الرابط بالاعلى لمشاهدة احدث الوظائف المنشورة يوميا.