We are looking for Network Operations Engineer for Riyadh Saudi Arabia Role Summary Job Description and Requirements SAR is looking for a qualified Network Operations Engineer to support the Network Operations Supervisor in delivering on a consistent basis, the professional administration of railway network operations and train service delivery. As well as, plan and implement proposals to improve operational safety on level crossings and network protection, delivered in accordance with the relevant legislation and Standards. Key Accountabilities Assist the Network Operations Supervisor to undertake, and review quantitative and qualitative risk assessments in accordance with relevant level crossings standards determining and implementing appropriate risk mitigation supported by cost benefit analysis. Assist the Network Operations Supervisor in the development of suitable operational rules, processes and procedures to ensure safe daily railway operations. Identify and progress closure or implement other necessary control measures to reduce level crossing risk as low as reasonably practicable. Assist the Network Operations Supervisor with level crossing renewal / modernisation / closure projects for inclusion in the business plan, taking into account operating requirements and risk mitigation factors. Produce / maintain records as required. Undertake the role of Rail Incident Officer (RIO), ensuring that the command structure is set up and lead the coordination of the infrastructure and service restoration activities. Work as directed by the Network Operations Supervisor. https://www.naukrigulf.com/network-operations-engineer-jobs-in-riyadh-saudi-arabia-in-saudi-arabian-railway-company-4-to-9-years-jid-260320000061 |