Important Urgently Required for Kuwait national petroleum company engineers & technicians
@ Electric Technician code 9
Water Establishments Department
Work experience of not less than 5 years in field of designing, executing and
Installing controlling and monitoring systems in water establishments department
(water pumping projects, ground water tanks and high towers)
@ Civil Engineer (Designing) code 13
Water projects Department
Work experience of not less than 5 years in field of civil constructional
Designing and execution for water projects (water pumping plants, ground
Water tanks, high water towers, water networks, analyzing and studying
Water networks)
@ consultant safety Engineer code 15
Water projects Department
Work experience of not less than 20 years in field of industrial safety and having
authorized certifications in occupational safety.
@ Communication Engineer code 16
Water projects Department
Work experience of not less than 5 years in field of works similar.
Good knowledge of communicating radio waves, short waves, UHF&VHF;,
Different telephone Ip PABX, optical fibreios systems, plastic and coppery cables
Networks, wireless networks, connections of LAV,V-SAT and microwaves.
@ Quantity Surveying Engineer code 21
Water projects Department
Bachelor or master in civil engineering, preferred to have associate – work
Work experience of not less than 5 years in field of quantities calculating, preparing
or auditing quantities of achieved works for temporary payment certificates, final
account, auditing technical specifications and legal conditions of contracts and
contractors, studying changing orders and financial requirrments.
@ Specialist Geologist code 24
Ground water projects Department
Bachelor of sciences, major of geology.
Work experience of not less than 15 years in field of digging and constructing
groundwater wells, determining depth of refineries and wrapping tubes, final
depth of wells, making necessary developing processes, testing pumping in lurking
places of groundwater, evaluating results, studies of lowering the level of
groundwater and studies of the pollution of groundwater resulting from petroleum
leakage from petroleum lakes.
@ Geophysics(specialist) code 25
Ground water projects Department
Bachelor of physical sciences.
Work experience of not less than 15 years in field of geophysical surveying of
Groundwater wells and classifying, recording and evaluating the results.
@ Senior Chemical Technician /Samples Analyzer code 26
Ground water projects Department
Work experience of not less than 10 years in field of collecting samples from
Groundwater wells and analyzing them, classifying results, following up percentage
Of saltiness and changing in wells groundwater.
@ Draughtsman code 27
Ground water projects Department
Bachelor of Draughtmanship.
Work experience of not less than 5 years in field of Draughtsman ship of
Mechanical engineering and constructional graphs by using AutoCAD
Computer system.
@ senior operation engineer code 002
a. water plants department :
work experience of not less than (10) years in managing national
control centers of main water networks and distribution including
(operating water junctions and pumping plants and annexes.
Strategic water tanks and main water lines ) . his experience includes
The following:
@ senior shifts operating technician code 004
a. water plants Department:
to work in control centers (shifts):
work experience of not less than (10) years as an operation
technician in mentioned scope of work in item (2) above.
@ consultant mechanic engineer: code 5
a. water plants Department:
- work experience of not less than (20) years in maintaining
Mechanic works of rotating equipment including complete ability
To make perfect maintenance for centrifugal drinking water pumps,
Horizontal and vertical , with multi stage and single stage that opened
Axial or radial with high pumping capacities from 3.5 m3 / sec to 02 m3 / sec as well as good experience in maintaining drafted pumps and
@ chemist code 8
Chemical Department:
bachelor degree of chemistry .
- work experience of not less than (5) years in the field of managing
Labs of chemical tests for fresh water including working and
Supervising devices of the following labs:
- AAs atomic asorption spectrophotometry / Afs atomic Fluorescence spectrophotometry / G C gas chromatography / hpl
C hige performance liquid / chromatography c lon
please send your C.V ASAP by mail ¶
and write the position code in the mail subject