Cadet Pilot Programe
Cadet Pilot Programme is designed to create airline-ready
pilots.We will train students up to the level at which the airlines will
recruit them. This programme allows students to adopt airline culture and
operational procedures. Our mission is to get work done on time and we
have the capacity to support this.
Cadet Pilot Programe will cover everything from the ab-initio level to
Commercial Pilot License with Multi Engine aircraft instrument rating,
advanced theory Air Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL) and Multi Crew
Coordination (MCC) training on a modern flight simulator.
This First Officer Programme is structured to cater for international and
domestic students, including flexible starting dates. You can enroll in
our courses with or without previous flight training. Any training you may
have completed prior to joining us can be credited if appropriately
The objective of this programme is to prepare a pilot for advanced
practical training at the airline’s training center where future First
Officers will undergo various assessments and complete simulator training
for turboprop aircraft or heavy jets.
The intensive study period is spread over 60 weeks and the training is
conducted at a controlled airport exposing cadets to a professional
.We have two Kinds of Programe to Train our Students to best quality.
1. Commercial Pilot Training with Multi-Engine,Instrument Rating , and one
year OJT Programe which inculdes Salary,and stipend as well. This Programe
is designed to develop more fluency in Flying skills of Applicant and to
gain maximum hours.
.PPL Flying inculdes 60 hours (40 hours dual,20 hours solo) Actual flying
on Cessna 152 & Cessna 172.
Simulator Training while PPL:
. 5 hours Airworks/Pre-solo
. 2 hours navigational exersise/Post solo
. 3 emergency procedures training.
.CPL Flying Inculdes 90 hours ( 50 hours solo on Cessna-152,30 hours dual
on Cessna -152, 10 hours dual on Cessna-172)
Simulator Training while CPL:
.3 hours navigational exersise Training
.3 hours BIF/VOR Exerise
.2 hours emergency procedures
.2 hours emergency procedures
.Instrument Rating Ground school
.Simulator Training
20 hours on Red bird
10 hours on G-1000
15 Hours Actual Flight Training on Cessna -172
.Multi-engine rating ground schooling
.10 hours actual flight training on Piper Aztec/Twin Engine Islander.
.15 hours on Simulator.
Graduates will gain:
.Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL)
.Multi Engine Rating
.Instrument Rating (CPL/IFR)
.Air Transport Pilot Licence theoretical knowledge (Frozen ATPL)
.Multi Crew Cooperation (MCC) Certificate
.Diploma in Aviation
Eligibility requirements:
.18 years of age or over
.Completed high school or hold one of following qualification PPL , CPL
.Hold a Class 1 aviation medical certificate.
.After Completing our Cadet Pilot Training Programe we provide our 3-year
extenable contract of OJT(On Job Training) with basic salary of
OJT Program Details (ON JOB TRAINING)-
Airline First Officer Training Programe (O.J.T)
This Programe is Design for Applicants who already have CPL +ME+IR & who
want to Bulid up hours & Gain
Experience in Multi-Engine Aircrafts before they commence there carrer in
.This Programe Inculdes 200 hours intally as OJT for student get familar
with our Multi-Engine Aircrafts and Routes Pattern,After Completing 200
hours Applicant can fly As PIC in our Charter & Cargo Operations with
3-year extenable Contract wit Salary of 1000/Month
.The Cost of this above mentioned Programe with CPL+M.E+I.R+OJT( 3-year
extendable contract of OJT with salary of 1000$/Month) inculding
Accomodation,Transportation,Lisencing Paper work,Medical & Examination
fees,Visa Extension