* Fully understand the shop drawings, Erection, assembly, part and detailed drawings.
* Fully aware of welding symbols and assembly techniques during specific operation and interpret documents such as safety rules, operating plans and procedure manuals
* Able to Handle Factory Floor – Fabricator / Welding and Inspect work in progress and finished products as per quality control plan.
* Able to Explain about structural Material in Detail (UB / UC / PFC / RHS / SHS – etc.)
* Able to Make Cutting Plan for Fabrication to Reduce Offcut / Scrap and Ensure all work is carried out to quality and specification requirements done with in time frame.
* Able to prepare the Budget of Material as per Released Drawing for Fabrication and Request tools, material and consumables as required within the limits of authority.
* Able to Make Jig & Fixture to Expedite the Production and Take necessary measures to improve production method, equipment performance and quality of product.
* Ensure all direct laboring control work to safe working procedures and systems.
* Maintain work accuracy in all aspects of manufacture.
* Ensure that all labor constantly employed efficiently and effectively.
* Provide leadership and direction to labors.
* Ensure housekeeping is ongoing by maintaining a clean and safe work place and should have Knowledge of “SAFETY” & Hazard free Working Surroundings.
* Should have related technical knowledge of QA/QC.
* Knowledge of Erection Sequence as per Site Requirement.
* Knowledge of Material Handling as well as Rigging.