As part of a Construction Management team, the Sr AGL Engineer is responsible for checking the design and supervise the contractor who is delivering the AGL / ALCMS / ILCMS works to ensure full compliance with the contract. He will also be required to liaise between stakeholders (contractor, client, authorities, and manufacturers) to facilitate timely completion of the works.
- Strong and demonstrable background in AGL design and knowledge of the main standards in use like ICAO, FAA, UFC and local regulations in the region (GCAA, GACA, etc.) from visual operations to CATIII for airports.
- Full experience in design of AGL fittings and guidance signs layout, including PAPI location calculation and also approach profiles calculations.
- Full knowledge of the principles of functioning of series supply systems and different technologies used in the production of CCRs with their pros and cons (ferroresonant, thyristor, IGBT, autotapping, etc.), and performances like LFD, EFD, etc.
- Full knowledge of the principles of functioning and experience in the design of Flashing Systems (both series and parallel supply)
- Hands on experience in the design of the circuitry required for interlocking systems (like stop-bars / lead-on lights), and interleaving configurations, controlled via Circuit Selectors or ILCMS.
- Full expertise in the integration of ALCMS and ILCMS, knowledge of the best practices and common problems of power-line-communication systems, PLC, etc.
- Experience in the integration with systems like NAV-Aids, A-SMGCS, AWOS, etc.
- Design experience working with different AGL fittings technology (halogen, LED, fluorescent).
- Full knowledge of the photometric requirements of the AGL and experience with photometric tests (flight test, vehicle mounted systems, bench test, etc.)
- Full expertise in the design of earthing and counterpoise connections and networks.
- Knowledge and experience in the different installation methods: Deep bases, shallow bases, elevated lights, poles, lattice masts, frangibility requirements, etc.
- Knowledge and experience in the design of trenches, duct-banks and pipes, following the main standards and best practices, and dimensioning of manholes, handholes, etc.
- Able to prepare engineering reports and presentations.
If you are interested please can you provide the following information. Interested and suitable candidates can send their CV to
• Full Name as per passport:
• Availability:
• Citizenship:
• Contact Phone Number:
• E-mail Address:
• Place of Residence:
• Attach passport copy:
• Please attach your updated CV.
*** تقدم على الرابط التالي : Apply on the following link ***