Mep Engineer Vacancy in Abu Dhabi
The MEP Engineer (Electrical /Air Conditioning /Plumbing) is responsible for the engineering success of the discipline/element of service within the scope of the contract that falls to his responsibility.
He is to ensure that all activity including testing, inspection, planned preventative maintenance (PPM) and reactive and additional works associated with the contract is completed in full accordance with the overarching Regulations and Code of Practice e.g. For Electrical works this will include but not be limited to:
He is also to ensure that:
• Risk Assessment and Method Statements are completed for activity and that all work is undertaken safely and at all times in accordance with the Company Health and Safety Policy.
• Permits to Work (PTW) are issued where required before work commences.
• Lock off procedures are incorporated into PTW, and at all other times as and where necessary.
• Work is completed in accordance with the Company Quality System and procedures and the Contract Quality Plan.
He will ensure that all statutory testing and inspection is planned and undertaken at the frequencies determined in the Regulations and that PPM is planned and completed in accordance with the frequencies recommended by the manufacturers of installed equipment If this information is not available then the MEP Engineer is to employ best practice and accordingly plan and schedule test and inspection and PPM works on the Computer Aided Facilities Management System (CAFM) and ensure these tasks are complete timeously and at the planned frequency.
He will assist the Facility Manager in every aspect of the work and service provision and maintain a Technical Library for reference purposes, this comprising of the above documents, manufactures data sheets, wiring diagrams, drawings and recommended spares etc. He will ensure ‘As Built’ drawings provided by the client at contract start are suitably maintained and available for reference purposes. He will ensure Quality records and contract documents related to his responsibility/package of activity are maintained and available for inspection and audit at all times.
The MEP Engineer is to ensure all supervisors and operatives falling under his responsibility/package e.g. electrical supervisor and electrical technicians are at all times adequately qualified, trained and experienced for the activity being undertaken.
He is to review the training needs of the package/discipline workforce and agree with the Facility Manager the training budget and delivery of training.
Facilities Management
He is also responsible for ensuring that sub-contractors and specialists are at all times adequately qualified, trained and experienced for the activity being undertaken and that all work is undertaken safely.
Technical Control:
The MEP Engineer is responsible to the Facility Manager in all matters.
• As above plus:
• The MEP Engineer must ensure he is fully acquainted with and has good understanding and knowledge of the applicable Statutory Regulations and the Emirate Municipality Health and Safety Codes of Practice for Construction Projects and enact the company safety policy and procedures as relevant to all work activities falling to his responsibility.
• He must ensure that all MEP supervisors and operatives are qualified and adequately trained for the tasks undertaken and are made fully aware of their duties and responsibilities. In the absence of a safety plan, the MEP Engineer must draw up a safety plan in co-ordination with the safety officer.
• Ensure that all work is being undertaken safely.
• Ascertain from the Facility Manger the company procedures to be used on site.
• Agree plan of action with the Facility Manager.
• Prepare risk assessments and method statements associated with work activity. Complete Permit to Work (PTW) as company procedure and at all times ensure safe working is undertaken for all stakeholders i.e. Staff, operatives, client, customers, subcontractors and specialists and all other persons that may be affected by the work.
• He is to ensure that all test and measuring instruments and equipment is at all times calibrated and certified and placed in secure storage place when not in use. Also that instruments and test equipment utilized are sufficient and suitable for the application.
• He will regularly review supervisor and operative qualifications and training needs and agree training requirements with the Facility Manager.
• That all MEP supervisors and operatives are fully aware of the relevant Regulations and Code of Practices existing in the Emirate.
Facilities Management
• All drawings / data sheets are documented and records held within the office are clearly identified and filed when not in use.
• A prime function of the MEP Engineer is not only to take care of line level and quality but to keep a full control on checks, tests and inspections and ensure associated records i.e. Electrical test and inspection records as defined in the Regulations, and CAFM Work Orders associated with PPM and additional works are fully maintained.
• Reconciliation of materials and monitoring of wastage.
• Ensure the duty roster for supervisors and operatives is in place and adequate resource cover is available at all times to provide 52week x 7day x 24 hour emergency response to all sites included in the contract and as per the SLA.
• Provide all necessary information, reports, clarification of details, drawings, sketches etc. As necessary to sub ordinates and client as may be required.
The MEP Engineer has full authority delegated by the Facility Manager to carry out all responsibilities assigned.
Inter Relation:
Department Manager: Facility Manager
Immediate Superior: Facility Manager
Delegation: Site staff.
Interface: Client / customers, site staff.
Expected Requirements/Skills of the MEP Engineer.
• Good MEP Building Services and Facility Management knowledge with 5 years’ experience in an Engineer capacity.
• Efficient in reading drawings/specifications in English.
• Good written and verbal communication in English.
• Experience managing and working with a multinational workforce.
• Good IT skills – Microsoft Office, Word, Excel, Outlook.
• Experience of dealing with subcontractors and specialists.
• To be able to deputies in the absence of his immediate superior during leave and sickness.
• Good knowledge of Quality and Health and Safety systems and procedures.