Looking for a great way to earn extra cash by just recording short voice samples in English? Contribute to improve the future Voice Message Tech! This project is for you! Requirements: Must speak English Must be living in your country.
1. Visit the Appen website using the link below: https://connect.appen.com/qrp/core/register_express/27bc45560eb39511fe0e66d6562b6735 2. Choose Egyptian Arabic (Egypt) as your primary language. 3. Complete the Registration page and click the Submit Application button to create your account Don’t miss the chance to earn extra income working from the comfort of your own home. This is a great opportunity for you and your friends! • Work from home with flexible hours • You can work on our projects around your other jobs • Appen is ranked as top 1 out of 100 companies offering remote jobs by Flexjobs.com